New smoking fetish videos added at Smoking Flicks….

Smoking Flicks – the smoking movie streaming and video download site.New at Smoking Flicks:

First, we have added Random Snaps 14a, never seen before in full-length version, with Brigitte showing off (and teaching) her perfect snaps and frenches; Claire’s huge inhales and big snap inhales; Jenny M.’s unusual and exceptional mouth-nose exhales; and tons of fantastic duo scenes.

Also, a new Smoke Signals/Random Snaps compilation with sexy and suggestive duo shoots with Niki and Karen (in lingerie), and Erin and Maddie (who’s topless with just her hair covering her, like Lady Godiva); sultry solo shoots with Jen, and more of Anna and Rebecca looking like blonde sisters.

Come check them out at Smoking Flicks :)

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